
Workshop about GitHub focused on content development aspects

Why GitHub?

What are the benefits?

What people use it for?

Who uses it?

The answer is: Everybody, like with Facebook. Except for those geeks that go to GitLab, like Facebook haters go to Google Plus.

What GitHub changed in the IT world?

This post was published exactly when GitHub populatiry started rising. It is still valid. GitHub changed not only developers, but also technical writers lives:


GitHub online editing vs. local editing

This workshop is fully based on GitHub functionality to show that Git clients usage is needed only in case of advanced users.

Git is a distributed version control system. In human words: A system that records changes to a file or a set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.

No GitHub? Do you use Bitbucket?

Stick to the tool that your team mates use.

Contribution flows

Basic workflow:

  1. Create a repository
  2. Create a ‘feature’ branch from the ‘master’
  3. Make and commit your changes
  4. Open a pull request
  5. Merge the pull request into the ‘master’

Project member:

Project non-member: Fork repo -> Create branch -> Edit -> Commit -> Open pull request


The edit view looks like this.

Sample contribution that proved that it works:

Markdown and others

Markdown is a human-readable markup language used to style text on the web


Other markup languages:

Ways of documenting projects

GitHub Pages

Free web hosting:
